MACU Veteran and Military Services
俄克拉荷马城的一所军事学院, 爱博体育竞猜app下载(MACU)提供超过89个认可的准学士学位, bachelor’s, and graduate degree programs,包括许多100%在线提供的服务.
If you are a veteran, military dependent/spouse, or on active duty, MACU is ready to help you maximize your VA education and training benefits. 我们所有的在线、校内和联合学位课程都有资格享受安卓版客户端事务部的教育福利.
*If you are an active military member, 你可以获得澳门大学本科学位100%的学费减免.
At MACU, 我们作为一所军事友好型大学有着悠久的历史,并且是后9/11 GI法案®的骄傲参与者 Yellow Ribbon Program, 旨在帮助支付更高的州外学费, private school, 或9/11后《安卓版客户端法案》不包括的研究生学费.
当你向爱博体育竞猜app下载顾问求助时, 你可以开始安卓版客户端VA教育福利和MACU如何帮助你实现你的教育目标. We will assist you every step of the way!
请填写下面的表格了解更多信息,或填写您的 free application now.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关安卓版客户端事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at
Military Life Experience
帮助我们的军人更快地获得学位, 澳门大学根据过去的兵役提供生活经验积分.
MACU awards credit for educational experiences during military service according to the recommendations of the American Council on Education as published in “The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services.“学生负责向注册办公室提供正式的军事联合服务成绩单(JST)以供审查.
Any student who served in the Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy and are using Department of Defense funding including but not limited to tuition assistance or VA education benefits is required to provide an official Military Joint Services Transcript (JST) for evaluation. 学生可以获得的ACE军事学分的最大数量是30, 这是与其他ACE学分相结合的, CLEP, DSST, and AP credit. 这个最高学分不包括通过CDC或ACT评估获得的学分.
了解更多信息或了解您的资格, 请致电澳门大学教务长办公室 405-692-3201 or email [email protected].
Using DoD Tuition Assistance Benefits
MACU participates in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) tuition assistance program and serves as a liaison to the DoD in processing tuition assistance and other military education benefits, 哪个可以覆盖很大一部分(在某些情况下, 学士或硕士学位学费的100%.
在你获得国防部学费补助福利并注册你的课程之前, 你可能需要制定一个教育计划或完成学费援助方向. 申请入学时请注意以下事项:
- DoD tuition assistance benefits may only be used to pursue degree programs at colleges and universities in the United States that are regionally or nationally accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. 你可以通过访问美国官方网站来验证学校的认证状态.S. Department of Education.
- 在你注册一门课程之前,你的服务教育中心必须批准你的福利. 了解更多关于你的服务的学费援助:
- Air Force Tuition Assistance
- Army Tuition Assistance
- Coast Guard Tuition Assistance
- Marine Tuition Assistance
- Navy Tuition Assistance
Using Tuition Assistance
为现役学生使用军事学费援助本科课程, 澳门大学将把每学期学时的学费降至每学时250美元,并免除学费.
Tuition Assistance Top-Up
VA Tuition Assistance Top-Up allows funds from the Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty or the Post-9/11 GI Bill® to be used for tuition and fees for high-cost courses not fully covered by tuition assistance funds.
Eligibility要使用学费补助充值,你的服务部门必须批准你的学费补助. 您还必须符合9/11后GI法案®或蒙哥马利GI法案®-现役的资格.
Application首先要按照你所在服务部门的手续申请学费补助. After applying for tuition assistance, 你需要申请安卓版客户端事务部的教育福利. Make sure you specify “Top-Up” on the application submit it to the Education Services Office on your base or to an official administration personnel member in your unit.
Financial Aid
除了使用MGIB-AD或后9/11 GI法案®的项目,如学费和费用不包括在学费援助, 服务人员也有其他资助机会, including federal and state financial aid.
联邦政府每年提供1500亿美元的拨款, work-study programs, and direct student loans. The aid comes in various forms, 包括基于需求的项目,比如佩尔助学金, subsidized Stafford Loans, 补充教育机会补助金, and federal work-study programs. 你也可以通过联邦政府获得低息贷款. 访问联邦学生援助以了解更多信息或免费完成FAFSA在线申请. Please keep FAFSA deadlines in mind.
Financial Aid Support
Before offering, recommending, arranging, signing up, dispersing, 或者为学生贷款招收军人, 我们为服务人员提供财务援助顾问,他们将提供适当的贷款咨询, including, but not limited to:
- 对可获得的财政援助提供清晰完整的解释, 包括1965年高等教育法第四章, as amended.
- 描述私人和联邦学生贷款的区别, including terms, conditions, repayment, and forgiveness options.
- 披露机构的学生贷款拖欠率(CDR), the percentage of its students who borrow, 以及它的CDR与全国平均水平的比较. 机构的话单超过全国平均水平, 它必须披露这些信息,并向学生提供贷款偿还数据. 有关澳门大学借款人最近三年学生贷款违约率和全国平均水平的信息,请参阅我们的 Consumer Information webpage.
- 解释学生可以拒绝全部或借少于允许的最高学生贷款金额.
Financial Resource Tools
- College Scorecard 消费者计划的工具和资源,以帮助未来的学生和他们的家庭,因为他们评估选择学校的选项.
- College Navigator 是提供学校信息的消费者工具吗, such as tuition and fees, retention and graduation rates, use of financial aid, and student loan default rates. 它还具有成本计算器和学校比较工具.
- College Financing Plan is a consumer tool designed to simplify the information prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school.
- Paying for College 是否有一个网页,准学生可以输入最多三所学校的名称,以获得每所学校的详细财务信息. 它也可以用来输入实际的经济援助奖励信息.
- Guide to Financial Aid College can be expensive. Don’t give up when you see the price tag. 经济援助可以帮助你支付高等教育的费用. 有几种类型的援助提供给你. 点击这里获得有用的指导,财务援助办公室爱博体育竞猜app下载,表格,费用和费用.
Cpt. 詹姆斯·安特种部队纪念奖学金
增益服务学院爱博体育竞猜app下载是赞助Cpt. 詹姆斯·安特种部队纪念奖学金, a $1,为纪念詹姆斯·安上尉而设立的年度奖学金. 2015年,安大尉在华盛顿州的一次跳伞事故中不幸身亡. 要了解更多关于奖学金和申请的信息, click here.
Net Price Calculator
What does Net Price mean? – Net Price is the amount a student pays to attend an institution in a single academic year AFTER subtracting scholarships and grants the student receives. 奖学金和助学金是学生不需要偿还的经济援助形式.
What is a Net Price Calculator? – Net Price calculators are available on a college’s or university’s website and allow prospective students to enter information about themselves to find out what students like them paid to attend the institution in the previous year after taking grants and scholarship aid into account.
VA Education Hotline: 1-888-442-4551
Monthly Verification of Attendance: 1-877-823-2378
Direct Deposit: 1-877-838-2778
Other VA Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
联系爱博体育竞猜app下载顾问是了解军队学费援助如何使你在澳门大学受益的第一步. We’ll guide you every step of the way!
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关安卓版客户端事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at
Military Leave of Absence
爱博体育竞猜app下载支持成为会员的学生, 如果成员有一个受抚养的孩子,成员的配偶也可以, 国民警卫队或美国预备役部队中被命令执行国民警卫队任务或联邦现役任务的人. 在确认需要现役的命令后, 你可以从几个学费学分选项中进行选择. 有关学费学分的其他信息可以通过联系注册办公室获得.
符合条件的学生可选择:与注册主任会面核实订单, 澳门大学将与您合作,根据您的情况确定最佳计划. 澳门大学有三个选择供你检讨和考虑:
- Withdraw from the student’s entire registration and receive a refund on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided.
- 与学生导师安排课程成绩, 或未完成的,应由学生在晚些时候完成. If such arrangements are made, 学生的注册保持不变,学杂费按规定全额缴纳.
- 只与部分学生的导师安排成绩, 或未完成的,应由学生在晚些时候完成. If such arrangements are made, 这些课程的注册将保持不变,并对这些课程的学费和强制性费用进行评估. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded on a proportional basis.
Readmission of Service Members
MACU will promptly readmit service members with the same academic status they had when they last attended the institution or were accepted for admission before deployment. 此重新录取适用于任何因服兵役而不能上学的学生.
The Student Veteran Advisor is the designated contact of MACU that a student will contact to provide both notification of service and notice of intent to return.
- Student Responsibilities:
- 学生必须通知学生安卓版客户端顾问他们的兵役和重返学校的意图.
- Student or an appropriate officer of the armed forces or official of the Department of Defense must give oral or written notice of such service to the school as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances. 此通知不必表明学生是否打算返回学校,也可以不受任何时间规则的约束. 及时性只能由每个案件的事实来决定.
- 学生可以提交在重新入学时需要缺勤的兵役证明.
- 学生不需要提供通知,如果排除军事需要, 例如,在机密操作中的服务或将受到此类通知的损害.
- Students must give oral or written notice of their intent to return to the school within three years after the completion of the service period.
- Students must notify the school within two years after the period needed for recovery from hospitalization or convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during service performance.
- 未能在C部分规定的期限内申请重新入学的学生, subsections e and f, 是否自动丧失重新入学的资格.
- MACU Admission Process:
- 大学必须让学生进入与学生上次被录取的课程相同的课程, if that exact program is no longer offered, the program most similar to that one, unless the student chooses a different one.
- 大学必须以相同的注册状态录取学生,除非学生想以不同的注册状态注册.
- 大学必须录取在先前入学期间完成相同学分的学生. However, if the student chooses, upon readmission, a different program, 所有完成的学分可能不适用于所选的新课程.
- 大学必须录取具有相同学术地位的学生.g.(与入学前的学业进展状况相同).
- 累计缺勤和以前缺勤的时间,不得超过五年. 只计算学生执行服务的时间.
- MACU Responsibilities:
- The University will assess the tuition and fee charges for the first academic year (if the student is readmitted to the same program) that the student was or would have been assessed for the academic year during which the student left the school. However, suppose veteran education or other service member education benefits will pay the higher tuition and fee charges that other students in the program are paying for the year. 在这种情况下,学校也可以向学生评估这些费用.
- The University will assess no more than the tuition and fee charges that other students in the program are assessed for that academic year if the student is admitted to a different program and subsequent academic years for a student admitted to the same program.
- The University will make reasonable efforts at no extra cost to the student to help the student become prepared or to enable the student to complete the program if determined that the student is not prepared to resume the program with the same academic status at the point where the student left off or will not be able to complete the program. 这包括提供补习,并允许学生免费重新参加预考.
- The University is not required to readmit the student if it determines that there are no reasonable efforts it can take to prepare the student to resume the program at the point the student left off. After making reasonable efforts (those that do not place an undue hardship on the institution) to enable the returning student to complete the program, 并且确定该学生没有准备好继续或完成该课程, 该机构不需要重新录取该特定课程的学生.
如欲查询详情,请联络澳门大学安卓版客户端事务处,电话 405-692-3147 or email LaHonda Toussaint at [email protected].